Wednesday 24 November 2010

some advice & tip about IELTS.

 All right, maybe some of you don’t know what is IELTS -> ( International English Language Testing System )
Its for who want to study in foreign country, like a Singapore, US,UK etc.
So you must have this certificate to prove that you will be able speak n understand English well.
Because all material that you are going to study all in English.
So this is important.
However, tution English in your country first, may be bring you some advantages which that you already have some basic in English.
Please don’t register IELTS without any preparation. Its just waste of money !
Before exam maybe you can download some example material from internet and practise it.
4 section for IELTS :

  • LISTENING : Quite easy . because that not so many difficult vocabulary.
                Tips : before you hear the listening make sure you underline the keywords and understand it.

  • READING : personally, its most hardest !!! huhu. There are 3 or 4 different stories. And all are LONGGGG LONG LONG.
Actually, i don’t enough time to read all.
               Tips : look at the question first then read the story which relavant to it. Because some of the paragraphs are not connection with the question.
If you really don’t have enough time, make a guess. Make sure your paper all have the answer.

  • WRITING : got 2 task.
1.        They will give you diagram or pictures. Write at least 150 words.
              Tips : don’t write too long or too short. Look at the picture write comparison. Practise how to organised the paragraph.
              Example :- first paragraph is introduction about the picture.
                             -Second paragraph Is main idea or compares
                             -Third paragraph  is overall or conclusion.
2.        They will give you 1 topic ( usually is about solve the argument, reduce population, equal about men & women,education, or society.)
Write at least 250 words.
 Just use Your imagination or experience to finish this task.
Learn about this vocabulary ( argument, reduce population, equal about men & women,education, or society.)

for example -> I'M . ielts writing must use I AM .
and I HAD MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. i think i've wrote 2 or 3 contraction. --"
  • SPEAKING : just shows you interested talking with the examiner. If you don’t hear the question. Please ask examiner to repeat again. You wont lost marks for this.( But with polite attitude )

*You may take English course / IELTS PREPARATION COURSE for 2 or 3 months before exam.
Its wii help you quick improve ENGLISH !
Highly recommended BRITISH COUNCIL . the best place for study English that i’ve ever tried !


NB : although my ielts results very bad bad bad. however. forgot about this. =p 

British Council
30 Napier Road
Singapore 258509

for those who want to planning study in singapore,us, uk etc.
please learn your english well.
i'm little bit regret that not serious to study english when i was in secondary & high school.


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