Monday 27 February 2012

once upon a time ..

are you chasing for love ?

An answer from you is probably YES.
Love could be very easy nor complicated..
been through a lot of relationship doesn't mean im not serious with it.
You just trying to find, find, and find The one.
Don't worry, You gained an experience from it.
So you wont do the same mistake again.
Sometimes they are just not worth for us to think of them.
When you met the guy that have been attentive, loving you, try to give their everything to you. but he's not the one we wait for.
I appreciated what you have done for me.

Life's going on...

You met the guy you want, you love him too much but starting off too fast.
End up with dont understand each other and the relationship end quietly
i ever heard from other people. you said " relationship is just waste a time "
Hey... you even dont know how to love, giving, cherish, and appreciated it.
I feel sad for you.

You lose someone that is still love you deeply.
The girl will still love you, just want to stop on you but not gonna together with you anymore.
Why ? Because You never know who am i. You just too stingy to give your love to her.
I heard plenty of bad things about you. Never mind, I believe you will change it some day if you realized it make your life scroll down.

Finally, I understand i can't love you..

Yes, I never regret to loving you  =) even i know that is the stupid thing i ever do in my life.

The one i pray for is chasing me. i'm sure he will find me some day.
 Appear in my Life and i will Live Happily with him.

Don't worry He wont replace you because he WONT treat me so badly like what you did.

He's just so different and unique for me, He's the only one in the world.
He will Love me like what i did.
I will spend the rest of my life with him Forever...
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