Monday 14 May 2012

- A quick blog post -

Hi everyone, are you following my twitter @babyfat_vivian ? Kindly follow me yah if you haven't. I mostly update in twitter rather than facebook. So some of you probably know i'm going to internship soon on July! That's fast man n n n n ... It's 6 months training in Hotel which you will be rotate to different department like F&B and Room. My school allow us to have 2 different choices of the hotel. guess what?! I actually choose Resort World Sentosa and i have already went for interview ! honestly, i dont really feel like to go there anymore because it's so far away! ok la, i should say it's actually far because i need to change from red line to green line, then green line to purple line again then need to take bus to go in some more. Eerrr, i hope there is the fastest way to reach there if i am unlucky to be accepted by rws. hahaaa ( kidding kidding ) lol !
Anyway, my second choice is Marriot Hotel.

Then I was thinking what i'm gonna do after internship ? 
okay, so First of all, I really want to apply as a Stewardess at Singapore Airline
( if they conduct an interview at the end of the year ) I will definitely go and try ! 
if i can't go in then i will seek opportunities to work in the hotel bah !
I'm a member of F&B association now. I hope through this organization i could build more networking and get higher job opportunities.  Jia youuuuuuuuuu everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 if you haven't think of what you gonna be in future. Faster think about it now !
A year is just goes by that quickly. stop wasting ur time on those useless thing ( in case you did ) =D hahaa !
Byee ... =)
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