Sunday 28 November 2010

miss dad,mom,bro and qiqi.

 this is our family picture. hm. little fatty here. but now ? hm? slim already, maybe ? =D

omg ! really miss daddy & mommy.
altough my daddy n i never do a lot of conversation.
sounds bizzare, right ?

my characteristic take care of him, we both are quiet.
i've phoning with dad just now.
he's sms that his already came back to hometownn but friday need go to overseas working again.
i ask him that called me. but i only talk about study fees, than talk with mum n grandma.
i never ask that why he rush back to job. have you eaten ?
omg. i feel guilty now.he must very sad. i just too concerned about study fees. and suddenly forgot what the point he sms me.just want to say. SORRY DADDY T.T

stupid girl cried while typing this.haiss. never repeat this ridiculous things again !!!
however. mommy always look after us. how blissful that i'm her daughter.
love youu ^^ i'll go back to indonesian as soon as i can.hey bro n qiqi. wait me there ! i'm going to buy loads of foods. mwass.

remember to study hard when your parents give you to study as high as them can.
notice small meticulous when them became older. they need you care.

love, vivian
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Wednesday 24 November 2010

some advice & tip about IELTS.

 All right, maybe some of you don’t know what is IELTS -> ( International English Language Testing System )
Its for who want to study in foreign country, like a Singapore, US,UK etc.
So you must have this certificate to prove that you will be able speak n understand English well.
Because all material that you are going to study all in English.
So this is important.
However, tution English in your country first, may be bring you some advantages which that you already have some basic in English.
Please don’t register IELTS without any preparation. Its just waste of money !
Before exam maybe you can download some example material from internet and practise it.
4 section for IELTS :

  • LISTENING : Quite easy . because that not so many difficult vocabulary.
                Tips : before you hear the listening make sure you underline the keywords and understand it.

  • READING : personally, its most hardest !!! huhu. There are 3 or 4 different stories. And all are LONGGGG LONG LONG.
Actually, i don’t enough time to read all.
               Tips : look at the question first then read the story which relavant to it. Because some of the paragraphs are not connection with the question.
If you really don’t have enough time, make a guess. Make sure your paper all have the answer.

  • WRITING : got 2 task.
1.        They will give you diagram or pictures. Write at least 150 words.
              Tips : don’t write too long or too short. Look at the picture write comparison. Practise how to organised the paragraph.
              Example :- first paragraph is introduction about the picture.
                             -Second paragraph Is main idea or compares
                             -Third paragraph  is overall or conclusion.
2.        They will give you 1 topic ( usually is about solve the argument, reduce population, equal about men & women,education, or society.)
Write at least 250 words.
 Just use Your imagination or experience to finish this task.
Learn about this vocabulary ( argument, reduce population, equal about men & women,education, or society.)

for example -> I'M . ielts writing must use I AM .
and I HAD MADE A TERRIBLE MISTAKE. i think i've wrote 2 or 3 contraction. --"
  • SPEAKING : just shows you interested talking with the examiner. If you don’t hear the question. Please ask examiner to repeat again. You wont lost marks for this.( But with polite attitude )

*You may take English course / IELTS PREPARATION COURSE for 2 or 3 months before exam.
Its wii help you quick improve ENGLISH !
Highly recommended BRITISH COUNCIL . the best place for study English that i’ve ever tried !


NB : although my ielts results very bad bad bad. however. forgot about this. =p 

British Council
30 Napier Road
Singapore 258509

for those who want to planning study in singapore,us, uk etc.
please learn your english well.
i'm little bit regret that not serious to study english when i was in secondary & high school.


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life share by ♥

What life do you want ? nobody can choose their perfect life.  But they can make their life perfect with own effort.
Look your around. How many people that is a orphanage,disable,poverty,disease. Its unimaginable that so many people suffered than you.
Why some of them don’t satisfied what they have.
Human always greedy, always feel not enough with the own. Please touch your heart. Ask yourself. Have you done anything for people, for your parents ?
Shows your hand to helped who deserve to helping.
Love you home. That is treasure that you will never can buy with money. Its a bliisful,harmonious,happily.
Studied with work hard. To get a best job opportunities.
Love the green planning. Recycle papers. Throw rubbish in a litterbin.
Use the cloth better than tissue while doing household.
Its will created amazing enviroment by yourself !


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shatec institute

hais, finally accepted by shatec institute.
you know what ! my english very poor. have to interview for 2 times ! huh.
i'm going to diploma hotel management 10 january.
hope that quickly graduate n working ! --"
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johnson baby oil & citispa

beauty tips :
do you know that johson's baby oil can remove waterproof make-up with easy, cotton + baby oil = rub your dead skin,some drop in water to soak your feet = remove smelly feet + moisturizing.

hopefully can help you with this tip ! =)

i got the voucher to reedem body scrub treatment =)
relaxing.happy .♥

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Tuesday 23 November 2010

help =)


THANK YOUUUUUU so much ♥ ♥ ♥

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always forgot my id & pas blog, terrible ! so, this is my older bog. you can see that between may - october no update at all.=p
i'm lazy to rewrite again.
hope you enjoy my blog !  ♥
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review ♥ essential damage care ~

my hair is easy to manage and you wont feel sticky at all !
what a nice smell . like a berry . love it !
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 after using lissele skin care set =) am i too sexy in this photo ? my boyfriend agrue with me about this --"

lisselle skin care set, hm, i dont like the urbansista,
the youth essence not bad, but little bit sticky.

fatty korean lady ? haha =D
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Monday 22 November 2010

blue hawaiin cocktail, love it !

thanks oscar paid all the bill. =)

i've got sample from hadalabo.
actually this lotion just like water, when you apply. you feel nothing. but when the times goes about 5 hours, you will realised that you skin not too oily n dry at all.
it's moisturizing.

non sticky.
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