Sunday 28 November 2010

miss dad,mom,bro and qiqi.

 this is our family picture. hm. little fatty here. but now ? hm? slim already, maybe ? =D

omg ! really miss daddy & mommy.
altough my daddy n i never do a lot of conversation.
sounds bizzare, right ?

my characteristic take care of him, we both are quiet.
i've phoning with dad just now.
he's sms that his already came back to hometownn but friday need go to overseas working again.
i ask him that called me. but i only talk about study fees, than talk with mum n grandma.
i never ask that why he rush back to job. have you eaten ?
omg. i feel guilty now.he must very sad. i just too concerned about study fees. and suddenly forgot what the point he sms me.just want to say. SORRY DADDY T.T

stupid girl cried while typing this.haiss. never repeat this ridiculous things again !!!
however. mommy always look after us. how blissful that i'm her daughter.
love youu ^^ i'll go back to indonesian as soon as i can.hey bro n qiqi. wait me there ! i'm going to buy loads of foods. mwass.

remember to study hard when your parents give you to study as high as them can.
notice small meticulous when them became older. they need you care.

love, vivian
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