Wednesday 24 November 2010

life share by ♥

What life do you want ? nobody can choose their perfect life.  But they can make their life perfect with own effort.
Look your around. How many people that is a orphanage,disable,poverty,disease. Its unimaginable that so many people suffered than you.
Why some of them don’t satisfied what they have.
Human always greedy, always feel not enough with the own. Please touch your heart. Ask yourself. Have you done anything for people, for your parents ?
Shows your hand to helped who deserve to helping.
Love you home. That is treasure that you will never can buy with money. Its a bliisful,harmonious,happily.
Studied with work hard. To get a best job opportunities.
Love the green planning. Recycle papers. Throw rubbish in a litterbin.
Use the cloth better than tissue while doing household.
Its will created amazing enviroment by yourself !


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