Sunday 6 February 2011

Hi, everyone ! today i’ll write little bit something unusual than before. why why ?
Because this is my little assignment for mr.guna who is my advanced English mentor.
He is pretty funny mentor i would describe. Haha
So, lets begin ! my task is to write 1  paragraph which begin from general statement to thesis statement.

Nowdays, Internet is became more popular. The one of the thing that people would do everyday average is surfing the Internet. By developing of high technology, Purpose of using internet became more variety and convenient. Not only for communication. It also for searching information, easy way to make transaction & promotion ( online business ) , immigration , gaming and etc. In Singapore, there is almost everywhere could connected the internet with free And it too convenient for people surfing. It is may be good and bad things. However, by exisct the internet in world wide is really helps people to do business,education, and leisure with easily.
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