Tuesday 11 October 2011

Cooling weather makes me feel good =)

hi guys, today weather is cooling which i feel comfortable. but i'm having a bit of headache. hm, honestly i do not like typing a lot of nonsense like writing a lot of thing like report in a blogspot. i hate writing a composition, project, assignment, and etc but i have to. the reason why i typing this is because don't be surprised guys if i done review with less of words. cos i prefer using a pictures to tell you guys how the products good or bad from the bottom of my heart. ( Really ) . i'm living in singapore about 1 1/2 years now yet i didn't see much improve of my english. hahaha. how i gonna work at the outside industry ? i really couldn't think about this. just imagine  i work at the hotel front desk and people talking with their "chim"english which i do not how to answer back. like wth.??! ok la,, however, time really files, it is  October now. wink your eyes and Chirstmas, Chinese new year, and valentine day are coming soon.i'm thinking about buying my clothes for chinese new year liao, how to make my hair even gorgeous and sweet, thinking of my dark circles when it will disappear , hope my pimples wont pop out for my entire life, slimmer a bit, LOL. is this what we want WOMAN ? how about you ? what are you thinking and what you hope to be look like in the future ? Wow, i wrote a lot of words today but it just because i want to share ^.^rather than facing my laptop screen and think what i gonna write, what is the next thing. bla bla bla. boring is it ? -.-
finally, enjoy the pictures at the bottom that i pick randomly. i hope your weekday is not boring while reading this blog. he he

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