Thursday 24 November 2011

Blissful and Sorrowful

welcome !=) Recently, i feel when you want to reach something you spend almost full expectations on it but it's seems useless and no respond at all. however, if you see it with normal, do it just the way you are with hard might get something surprise and the things you are always want to. so, this is just life.

Change topic *

i have couple of project on hand and haven't complete yet. final exam in next 2 weeks, Studying + working. huh >,<
oh yeah, i have something to share. this is my last term result slip ! i get 2 " A " in Cost control and Food production subject ! 3 " B+" for the others.

 ( sorry, BLUR* cos I'm using webcam )

Can you see my improvement ? honestly, i have never been so hard working in studying. it has changed since i came to Singapore. =D This result is just so meaningful to me because my daddy and mummy inspired and did give me motivation to achieved this. " Hi dad, i have done on what you expected me to be" " Hi mum, although you always said 尽力就好 but i still want to do the best one for you". Thanks !! ( i have a lovely big family,feel blessed ) Another exciting news is my big brother managed to get Champion at Badminton competition.

( Right side is my bro )
Congratulations bro, keep up the good work ^.^

This semester gonna end at 17 December. then i have holiday about 9 days ?
then i gonna start my training restaurant at Recipe ( Recipe is restaurant under Shatec Institutes ) do check it out here !  

ok, that's it for today. Later kenak scold by my class rep Lei bob dong. hahahaha.oppps*  (^.~)

( Source : Google )
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