Friday 8 June 2012

Life Updated #June 2012

annyeonghaseyo! Good evening my dear reader, Today is my last day i was having lesson at school ! So, our class gonna have BBQ at Mr.khan house(our host mentor), yeeeee !! can eat again  0.0

Eitt.. dont get me wrong, i haven't graduate la ! hahaa. 1 more week is my final exam and also the last exam at shatec because i gotta go for internship in July ! If you had read my previous blog and follow my twitter, Yes, i've already signed the contract and going to internship at Resort World Sentosa  for 6months. I know it's gonna be tough, fun, upset, tired, awesome experience but yeah this is the learning journey and the beginning of my career path.( i think )
 Vivian - known as super woman , there is nothing that she can't cope and do ! YEEE so energetic now! =)
One more thing that have been troubled me for this couple of months.
my weight used to be 49kg and now dramatically increase to 55.5kg !!!!!!
i feel like wanna die! cant fit to S size short pants, wear jeans like two pig legs - are so fatty !
Gosh ! Some more my mouth like cannot stop craving for foods.
My self confidence like suddenly from 80% drop to 5%. Like uglier than ever.
The most unhappy period of my life. suck !
I hope i can lose weight in the next 2 months. god bless me T.T

#Please bear with me - cos i will complain a lot about my weight in this blog.
Yeah i know this is such annoying.
See my fatty face -.-
Seriously, I've lost my confidence and so depressed...

Little events in my life chapter.
This is such a pretty art ! Check out this cozy Inle Myanmar restaurant. Everything was so good !

Celebrate this little cute boy 7th Birthday ! ( my auntie's son )


#Ignore those broken English as long as u understood what i mean. (o.^)
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