Wednesday 20 June 2012

Ugly Soon Kuey BUT Kinda DELICIOUS. ^.~

So Randomly that i attempt to make Soon Kuey. My mom made it for me when she visited me last time.
It was nice and beautiful. i feel like want to eat again.
My auntie made the chillies for soon kuey some more yesterday so i was thinking lets do it tomorrow!

Hahaa, so after school i went to buy the Bengkoang and Rice Flour.
Let see what I've done to torture the FLOUR. =D

In case you don't know, this is how Bengkoang look!

This is the Fillings. I used Benkoang, Garlic, Onion, Shiitake Mushroom. 
then add some salt, sugar, dark and light soya sauce, pepper, and little bit of water.

My auntie said: why you put so much dark soya sauce?!! i was like Err, I like it le.

Okay, The fun part. Making the dough!
I was so struggle and sweated a lot making the Soon kueh Dough!
I went to NTUC/Supermarket bought the Rice Flour then i mixed it with hot water. The ratio is 250g flour and 500g hot water.
The final dough look like this !

 #FAILLL !!! T.T

The actual dough colour should be a little bit of transparency.
The reason fail is because i use hot water which is inside the container. The correct one is using Hot BOILING water. boiling boiling ....
Auntie, you said hot water only how i know is boiling one. >,< #blame my auntie. LOL 
I'm kidding auntie, dont be mad ! 0.0
So, do you remember i went to buy the Rice flour ?
Rice Flour alone is not possible to make the dough, you need to mixed with tapioca flour.
So I suggest you buy Flour that is design for Soon Kueh so it's more convenience lo. i got mine at Mama shop for $1 Only (500g) because i can't find it at NTUC.
Anyway, pour the boiling water slowly into the flour and stir it with chopstick. then your dough should be look exactly like this ! below! i stole it from Google. hihi

Move on, Add 2 tablespoon of oil and you are ready to wrap the soon kueh alrdy!

Don't laugh at my Final Product! I know it's so ugly and messy but i swear it is SO DELICIOUSSSSSS...
i ate 5 pieces already. will wrap it nicely next time and post it again!
so its like 熟能生巧 ( practice makes perfect) heyheeeee...

Just imagine my Soon Kueh look like this.
Again, stole from Goggle. hahaa ! Bye ! ^.~
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