Friday 10 December 2010

suki lip gloss

 do youu remember these photos ?

 i wish i can forever beautiful like inside the photos. haha.
can i have these make up on my face and no need to rinse off like tattoo ?
i think too much --"

 i'm using SUKI lip gloss.
looking around the shop, so many type of lip gloss and brand.
@@ try and try the tester.
finally bought this thing.

but when i try at home then totally regret ! why ?
because the colour too dark n red.
but interesting thing is happen, haha =p
i've no school and job so fully got nothing to do every day ! boring . -.-

i love make up,love try news products,love discover more n more !

my habits : when free time -> my hands is itchy =DD
it's mean i'm going to open my make up bag n put something on my face.
or having some mask. remove blackhead,remove dirty things on my body, bla bla.
however, thats not the point. haha.

after using make up and put suki lip gloss no.4 ( colour ).
omg !!
it's so glamorous and i 've a sexy lip =p !! why why ?

i realised that when you want to used a little bit red colour on lip, you must put some make up on eyes.
keep your skin clear.
otherwise it will look very weirdoo and ugly @@

hope this'll help you . mwass =p

 english ? click here.
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