Wednesday 5 January 2011

going back to hometown *

 my niece ? i think. i dont know what name should i call him =p
my father da brother da son . haha
very cute !

 ok. last 15 des i going back to hometown and begin to eat eat eat.
this is hanly cafe's in tanjungpinang. my favorite cafe's ! because the foods are very delicious with affordable prices.

 KODOK CABE RAWIT , YOU SHOULD TRY ! main dish that i would call everytime at there.
SAIMEN CAFE'S . there are not many foods that can be choice.
the drinks really expensive, haha *
 his lychee ice tea.

 my mom made cup cake's and i do the decoration for this lucky birthday girl . below the pink dress girl. =p
sorry for that ugly decoration. hehe =)
 happy birthday to xiiaoyu .
i'm more slimmer and sexy. wkokoko .mcb me . LOL .
another picture that we took at hanly cafe. mwas2.
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