Saturday 8 January 2011

orientation 5 & 6 january 2011 , extremely tired ( shatec )

 first day of orientation my feeling is dig dag dug, i didn't know all of them. feel so shy.
most of my classmate is singaporean.
my class have 17 people but 5 girls only. --"
after arrived there. i'm do registration - collect goodies - submit some documents than 2 hours listen to mr.benard said about some rules and how we school.
buy uniform -> go home.

they given away the black tshrt.
should i say it's free ? i dont think so, because i've paid loads of money . --"

 our school uniform is super cute . haha. i will post it on monday. stay tune !

 olivia what are you doing ?

 singapore zoo. i don't see lots of animals there, as you can see in the picture all i look is tree tree and tree ??

we just go there for play game, called " amazing race " , but actually we are walking for nothing. lol

i just said the fact. hoho.

that is me with yellow rain coat, look so stupid. haha.
again ! we are standing and walking until exhausted .
so, 6 jan singapore zoo trip the conclusion is TIRED only . wkwk. --"
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