Saturday 8 January 2011

soft lens make my eyes more beautiful ♥

 i should change my nail colour. little bit scary for school. haha

personally, i used to wear lens for 2 years. but i afraid that my eyes will irritation or got some problem even can make eyes blind at the end. i stopped about 5 months. now i'm wearing again. but not so often. too many news said that lens isn't good for us. even my friends really got something in their eyes caused it, oh ! fear to hear that. but haiss , who doesn't want more beauty with it ?
so it's depend how we use , how we take care our eyes well.
you should clean you hand before take lens on your finger. after take out lens please do drop some vitamin or whatever can against dryness. do rinse your lens. hehe. say yes too beauty. we are woman. we deserve to get compliment by reason of our effort ! hahahah.

do you like my eyes ? i love it so much. hihihi =p
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