Wednesday 5 January 2011

31 december 2010.

 7.00 exactly we hang out. brom brooommm. by motorbike. hoho. we are having dinner with his friends. 3 couple . i called ice cream, melon juice. than we share chicken wings,pizza and breads.

 after that go back to cyber net. where they gathering everyday. --" like their second home.

 rimba jaya. i've been 3 times spent my 31 des with pii. nothing could go on 31 des. but i'm happy =)

 fireworks begin . plak plak plakkk !!!

 enjoy ! the fireworks that i've captured. haha

pink dress with black gardigan. what a shame. i could not wear high heel. why ? because that guy lo. afraid i'm taller than him . beuhhhh .. worry too much ! unless it will be more glamorous. =) hehehhee. LOL
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