Wednesday 12 January 2011

school uniform . ♥

 so this is our school uniform that i've mention before.
cream blouses with super adorable ribbon. i can do tied the ribbon very well. haha

 let me introduce this girls.
from left to right = me LOL , michelle from china ( ha er bing ) , miley from china sanghai , olivia sanghai too. actually have another one girl is may. she is our photographer. lol.
she said that she afraid of taking pictures because her pimples. actually it's not worse that as her think. cheers qing ai de =)
 my leg is bleeding now because that stupid black high heel,huh ! T.T only 3 or 4 cm i think.
miley is very good at posing. haha. well, i must learn more from them. =p

 this is the girl that i talking about. the photographer. hihi =)

 green salad
 fish bla bla bla. too salt.

 cakes - too sweet.

 pink mocktail. good

4 items for $3 only , wahaha. very cheap.
it's our senior practical than we do like customer in restaurant.
french cuisine have many rules. grrrrrrrr ! we dont know how to use the fork , plate bla bla bla.
obviously, i prefer eat at food court .( my kue tiaw) hungry now.=p
more comfortable ! not only me saying this okay. but all my friends . hahaha .

 some random pictures.

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1 comment:

  1. I have to wear a uniform, too. I'm not very good at tying a tie, my mom puts it on for me. Then, when I got to school today, my best friend, Jen, grabbed my tie and made it loose and crooked. It had to stay that way all day because I don't know how to re-tie it.


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