Saturday 10 December 2011

Celebration team

I really feel my class like celebration team like that, every single person birthday in class must celebrate one.
but that is good lo, don't you agree ?
scream for this amazing friendship !
 Heyu birthday 17 july

Declan Birthday 10 aug

 Me^.~ Birthday 2 Sep

allow me to post my awesome birthday presents from them !


Tim and Jun Chen Birthday ( 3 & 4 October )

Olivia Birthday 17 Oct

Ryan birthday 4 nov

Oyayaya, that's all for the moments. The rest we celeb next year ! cheers !
For Tata nana, Heyu, Oohlivia, Meng ya, Feii, Ryan, Clement, Lei dong and Me. We intimate like brothers and sisters right ?? !!!  closed until people thought we are couple like that --"
Really really love my friends. you all are damn nice.
hehe, I don't forget my Indonesia friends as well. How's Life my dear sisters ??
Missing all of you.
I will go back to Indonesia on Chinese New Year. Hope to see you soon. :*

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  1. Hey there, you're so lucky to have friends like that! Makes me miss the times when I was still a student like you. I like your blog and have followed you via GFC. :)


  2. hi dear roxanne, thank you for reading my blog. yeah. i feel lucky as well have friend like them. =)nice to know you ^.~


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