Monday 12 December 2011

Exam week term 4 ( december ) brief update

hi world ! i dont know who is reading my blog since there are plenty of blog exist in this world.
so hi world means everyone ok, lol.

change topic ***

 from today onwards i have final exam until friday.wish me good luck ok. i study like crazy you know ??
Today exam subject : Front office management. the calculation part still ok but the theory is totally like what the ?? I was using 2 hours to do the 90 marks paper. that is horrible. the longest time to do my exam paper.
 tomorrow exam subject -> Business communication. should be pretty easy. SHOULD BE. --"

Ttttttttthen i have HOLIDAY until 25 dec !! goshh. finally i dont need go to school soon.

  • i might do make-up look for Christmas next week ? 
  • note : due to exam, i wont update my blog this week ok ? so you can read my older post =p
 This is just a brief update about me. Cheers !! :*
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