Thursday 8 December 2011

Chalet ( ends of exam party ) become Miley farewell party

So about three months ago, we have done with exam and declan ( my classmate ) decided to organized class outing at chalet !
why i said become farewell party is because miley not gonna continue her school already. she decided to go back to shanghai. well, we support your decision. =)
on that day, we really do have a lot of fun !

 walahh, hug the rubbish bin ?? ah leii drunk. lol

this is cakes for miley.
and she cried !! 

declan bought a champagne for her to open and she keep shaked it ! lol
click here to see the videos ! not sure if you can open.

Dear Miley, hope you doing well in shanghai and take care of yourself okay ? miss you !

The end =D

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