Sunday 19 August 2012

Random Diary#1

Hi, ni hao mha ? its 2am now.. i just watched taiwan dramas called say that you love me and once upon a love. today is my off day and i have work 12pm tomorrow. every night when i'm about attempt to sleep, i always think a lot. tons of thing to worry and wish to happen.
what should i do after graduate actually ? as u know, my dream job is to become stewardess but it seems so far away from me. i have that courage to walk in interview but just put aside. i won't really get this job. its not easy and loads of politic problem exist. i just want to live happily everyday. yes, i don't sounds happy at the moment huh ? it is because i worry too much ? or ?? hmmm?? what the fish.

so, the whole day i just spent my time to watch dramas. that's all. i can't believe i do nothing in 24 hours.
Taiwan dramas are all seems so romantic, its like never happen in my life.
if you have bf/gf better cherish them. of course don't neglect your family as well. they get older year by year.
A lot of people asking me the same question, i bet you know what it is. hahaa.
do you have bf ? if i answer NO then they will ask why ?
it's really such annoying. mei you bf bu ke yi mhe ?
i also don't know what to say. so please hah next time dont ask me why. =(
for this reason i decided to list it in my birthday wish. i wish at my birthday could meet my prince charming. hahaa. sen jing bing.

ok la. i want to sleep liao. wan an =)

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Wednesday 8 August 2012

Forest 森 and Sentosa Broadwalk

Hello everyone, another awesome off day for me - three days continuously. 
remember i did say before that i'm intern at rws ? 2 months in F&B and 4 months in Room divison.
So now i'm intern in Forest lo. A contemporary Chinese cuisine taking in western approach for service and the presentation of dishes by Chef Sam Leong. My attachment at forest will end at 2 September. ehhh.. 2 sep ? sounds familiar to you ? =p A very Special day in my life.
Anyway today i'm gonna blog a bit about Forest and Sentosa Broadwalk.

Forest is Located at Equarius Hotel level 1 in Resorts World Sentosa ( RWS) west zone area.
I'm glad that i can attach at Forest and get to see Chef Sam and his wife of course Chef Forest.
' Forest ' is actually his wife name and the chinese cuisine has a little bit influence by forest - thai style.
Both of them are really nice people and very friendly.
So you saw my post on Facebook ?

Yes, i uploaded Forest name card. LOL

I love to take photos and share anything i've been go through. For me, i just want to keep every moments in my life at blog. When you get older you can review it as a journey log book. I will blog when i have free time. just like today! ^.~

Here are some pictures i got from google at Forest.
Sorry, i can't take the pictures personally during work time at there. I think i will do that when i get to dine at Forest. =p

Start by our handsome chef and attractive Forest first =)

Beautiful right ?

This is another corner at Forest. It often used it as Cooking class by Chef Sam because very seldom people wanna dine at that area. We do have Private Dining Room as well, if i'm not wrong the PD room can accommodate max 20 persons.
Unfortunately, i couldn't find any outdoor and the PD room photos.
trust me it's really a beautiful view. i will take the photos for you guys perhaps at the following month. =)

 Forest Signature dish. Personally, i would say Charcoal grilled Wagyu beef with foie gras and sea urchin is number one ! 

The Black pepper smell is like heavenly for me. LOL no  夸张 ohh !

Next, Morel Mushroom Chicken broth.

Another good feedback dish from the guests.
A lot more of nice dishes, you try yourself bah!

We do have 8 and 10 discovery food tasting menu as well for dinner only. $180++ and $250++
3 course set lunch $38++ , 4 course Set lunch $48++
A la carte menu start from $15++

Now you know how much budget need to prepare. hahaa ^.~ Enjoy!

photos courtesy : RWS

Sentosa Broadwalk. How many of you go there before ?
last week was my first time visit there while i'm off.

 Everything was wonderful. It's a perfect place for dating!

how to go there ? when you are at Vivo city Level 1. look for Sentosa Broadwalk sign and just follow through. you will reach there like 2-3 minutes walk.


Any plan for National day tomorrow ? please share with me a nice place to go ! =)
i'm planning to go to MBS / Esplanade to see the firework. but let see how bah.

Happy National day everyone ! ~.^

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Sunday 15 July 2012

Sponsored : Mentholatum Lip Gel

New from Mentholatum : Lip Gel 

 It has three different categories for your different need.
Starting from the left: Vitamin Lip gel, Q10 Lip gel, and Hyaluronic acid lip gel.

So, Hyaluronic acid lip gel is for Deep moisturizing.
Personally, i have to re apply the lip gel every two hours to keep my deep moisture.
 I love the shinny look on my lips as well.

Q10 Lip gel is for reducing the lip wrinkle. it works on me and my mom. its cover the wrinkle immediately.

Vitamin lip gel is my favorite one. it has cooling effect after you apply but i doesn't last very long. very suitable for me when i'm under hot and sunny weather.

So as you can see, the three lip gel series have almost the similar texture and shine look.

Don't forget to redeem free lip ice sample at here !
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Wednesday 20 June 2012

Ugly Soon Kuey BUT Kinda DELICIOUS. ^.~

So Randomly that i attempt to make Soon Kuey. My mom made it for me when she visited me last time.
It was nice and beautiful. i feel like want to eat again.
My auntie made the chillies for soon kuey some more yesterday so i was thinking lets do it tomorrow!

Hahaa, so after school i went to buy the Bengkoang and Rice Flour.
Let see what I've done to torture the FLOUR. =D

In case you don't know, this is how Bengkoang look!

This is the Fillings. I used Benkoang, Garlic, Onion, Shiitake Mushroom. 
then add some salt, sugar, dark and light soya sauce, pepper, and little bit of water.

My auntie said: why you put so much dark soya sauce?!! i was like Err, I like it le.

Okay, The fun part. Making the dough!
I was so struggle and sweated a lot making the Soon kueh Dough!
I went to NTUC/Supermarket bought the Rice Flour then i mixed it with hot water. The ratio is 250g flour and 500g hot water.
The final dough look like this !

 #FAILLL !!! T.T

The actual dough colour should be a little bit of transparency.
The reason fail is because i use hot water which is inside the container. The correct one is using Hot BOILING water. boiling boiling ....
Auntie, you said hot water only how i know is boiling one. >,< #blame my auntie. LOL 
I'm kidding auntie, dont be mad ! 0.0
So, do you remember i went to buy the Rice flour ?
Rice Flour alone is not possible to make the dough, you need to mixed with tapioca flour.
So I suggest you buy Flour that is design for Soon Kueh so it's more convenience lo. i got mine at Mama shop for $1 Only (500g) because i can't find it at NTUC.
Anyway, pour the boiling water slowly into the flour and stir it with chopstick. then your dough should be look exactly like this ! below! i stole it from Google. hihi

Move on, Add 2 tablespoon of oil and you are ready to wrap the soon kueh alrdy!

Don't laugh at my Final Product! I know it's so ugly and messy but i swear it is SO DELICIOUSSSSSS...
i ate 5 pieces already. will wrap it nicely next time and post it again!
so its like 熟能生巧 ( practice makes perfect) heyheeeee...

Just imagine my Soon Kueh look like this.
Again, stole from Goggle. hahaa ! Bye ! ^.~
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Friday 8 June 2012

#Taiwan Drama - 2012

Hey, i have this two favorite drama to share with you.

1.I Love You So Much / 粉愛粉愛你

 You can watch it here!

2. In Between / 半熟戀人

You can watch it here!
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Life Updated #June 2012

annyeonghaseyo! Good evening my dear reader, Today is my last day i was having lesson at school ! So, our class gonna have BBQ at Mr.khan house(our host mentor), yeeeee !! can eat again  0.0

Eitt.. dont get me wrong, i haven't graduate la ! hahaa. 1 more week is my final exam and also the last exam at shatec because i gotta go for internship in July ! If you had read my previous blog and follow my twitter, Yes, i've already signed the contract and going to internship at Resort World Sentosa  for 6months. I know it's gonna be tough, fun, upset, tired, awesome experience but yeah this is the learning journey and the beginning of my career path.( i think )
 Vivian - known as super woman , there is nothing that she can't cope and do ! YEEE so energetic now! =)
One more thing that have been troubled me for this couple of months.
my weight used to be 49kg and now dramatically increase to 55.5kg !!!!!!
i feel like wanna die! cant fit to S size short pants, wear jeans like two pig legs - are so fatty !
Gosh ! Some more my mouth like cannot stop craving for foods.
My self confidence like suddenly from 80% drop to 5%. Like uglier than ever.
The most unhappy period of my life. suck !
I hope i can lose weight in the next 2 months. god bless me T.T

#Please bear with me - cos i will complain a lot about my weight in this blog.
Yeah i know this is such annoying.
See my fatty face -.-
Seriously, I've lost my confidence and so depressed...

Little events in my life chapter.
This is such a pretty art ! Check out this cozy Inle Myanmar restaurant. Everything was so good !

Celebrate this little cute boy 7th Birthday ! ( my auntie's son )


#Ignore those broken English as long as u understood what i mean. (o.^)
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SPONSORED : Mentholatum Organic is up !

What's on ur skin care products that must have item ?
 with undoubtedly i would is LIP BALM. A good lip balm that can provide moisturizer and prevent harm from external exposure. The most important thing is to repair my chapped lips ! i believed there are office lady and men have been troubled of dry lips that caused from the cold temperature and dry air.
So today i'm gonna review this Organic lip balm from Mentholatum!

As we known, Mentholatum is No.1 lip care brand in Japan. They just launched this 100% natural origin lip balm that is free of chemicals, preservatives and artificial colours.

Thanks to Lipice (sg) sent me this lip balm !
As usual, My lip balms have been protect very well with this wrapped. (not sure what is thing call - with this little bubble inside. hahaas ^.~)


 It's Using a nourishing blend of natural oils from renowned organic farms globally, its creamy and non-sticky texture glides on smoothly for soft, silky lips.

 Personally, it work quite well for me. i love that Raspberry and strawberry combination. smell so delicious ! It does repair my chapped lip immediately while i was in the air conditioner room. i just feel so miserable, i wonder why those (my guy classmates) didn't feel cold at all. -.- but never mind, today is the last day we were having lesson at school, wohooo !!! horeeeee !

For the Lavender and Orange Flavours, it's give me a very pleasant smell like lavender essential oil. Gosh it's really so so so moisturizer and such a nice natural fragrance from the lavender.  I love both of the Lip balm. It's really make my day!

OKAY, So this organic lip balm made from African Organic Shea Butter,Spanish Organic Oil,Argentinean Organic Jojoba Oil, and Columbian Organic Coconut Oil.

Those ingredients that i mentioned on top. It benefit our lip to fight with aging, heals dry lips, provide long lasting hydration, and soften your skin like baby baby smooth lips skin. (0.0)

Little treat for u dear hun ! Redeem Trial size LipIce Fruity lip balm on their Facebook page. Please click here to like their page and Redeem now!

Available in 1) Raspberry & Strawberry and 2) Lavender & Orange flavours. Prices at $7.90 each. Sold at Watsons, Guardian, Supermarkets and Departmental stores.


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Monday 14 May 2012

- A quick blog post -

Hi everyone, are you following my twitter @babyfat_vivian ? Kindly follow me yah if you haven't. I mostly update in twitter rather than facebook. So some of you probably know i'm going to internship soon on July! That's fast man n n n n ... It's 6 months training in Hotel which you will be rotate to different department like F&B and Room. My school allow us to have 2 different choices of the hotel. guess what?! I actually choose Resort World Sentosa and i have already went for interview ! honestly, i dont really feel like to go there anymore because it's so far away! ok la, i should say it's actually far because i need to change from red line to green line, then green line to purple line again then need to take bus to go in some more. Eerrr, i hope there is the fastest way to reach there if i am unlucky to be accepted by rws. hahaaa ( kidding kidding ) lol !
Anyway, my second choice is Marriot Hotel.

Then I was thinking what i'm gonna do after internship ? 
okay, so First of all, I really want to apply as a Stewardess at Singapore Airline
( if they conduct an interview at the end of the year ) I will definitely go and try ! 
if i can't go in then i will seek opportunities to work in the hotel bah !
I'm a member of F&B association now. I hope through this organization i could build more networking and get higher job opportunities.  Jia youuuuuuuuuu everybody !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 if you haven't think of what you gonna be in future. Faster think about it now !
A year is just goes by that quickly. stop wasting ur time on those useless thing ( in case you did ) =D hahaa !
Byee ... =)
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Tatiana 19th !

Hi guys ! how are you ? i hope you doing well. it's has been a while i haven't updated.
 This is some of the pictures i took last saturday! it's tatiana birthday 19th! one of my classmate/also my best friend! =)

 so, as you can see, we actually went to ice skating. it's located at J-cube shopping mall level 3.
it's like in the middle of the shopping mall. i think it's quite cool. hehe.
it's better than the one at kallang !
whats more sia, J-cube is just 3 minutes walk from jurong east mrt.
the price range is like $19-$23 ?
i did not join them cos i just recover from fever. hell yeah !
after that we went to Nando's for dinner !

 Happy couple #1

 Happy couple #2

 Then we went to KTV Top one !

This is the group photo of us, hii !
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Tuesday 13 March 2012

some weekend life

 yaww. exam coming -.-
miaoo !! raww !! lol
mommy, i miss ur cakes badly. huh . i love cakes, chocolate and dessert. nyam2
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