Monday 17 January 2011

cute ^.~

design by me. haha. little bit kinda weirdo, people might think i'm phien thai be ? no. no  because really super cute. so i made my own one ,click here to made yours honey . ^.~

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Wednesday 12 January 2011

dear honey , get well soon. sorry i couldnt do anything for you right now. hais.
suppose that i'm beside you right now. how i wish i can look after you 24 hours.
it's really sad to hear you are pain, headache , uncomfortable , vomit and etc.
i love youu + miss you so much.mwuachhh !
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school uniform . ♥

 so this is our school uniform that i've mention before.
cream blouses with super adorable ribbon. i can do tied the ribbon very well. haha

 let me introduce this girls.
from left to right = me LOL , michelle from china ( ha er bing ) , miley from china sanghai , olivia sanghai too. actually have another one girl is may. she is our photographer. lol.
she said that she afraid of taking pictures because her pimples. actually it's not worse that as her think. cheers qing ai de =)
 my leg is bleeding now because that stupid black high heel,huh ! T.T only 3 or 4 cm i think.
miley is very good at posing. haha. well, i must learn more from them. =p

 this is the girl that i talking about. the photographer. hihi =)

 green salad
 fish bla bla bla. too salt.

 cakes - too sweet.

 pink mocktail. good

4 items for $3 only , wahaha. very cheap.
it's our senior practical than we do like customer in restaurant.
french cuisine have many rules. grrrrrrrr ! we dont know how to use the fork , plate bla bla bla.
obviously, i prefer eat at food court .( my kue tiaw) hungry now.=p
more comfortable ! not only me saying this okay. but all my friends . hahaha .

 some random pictures.

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Monday 10 January 2011

random ^.~

 thank youu my dear2. you given me too much. love you ! mwass *
guess what inside ?

 new gardigan with super good cotton.

 make up kit from sasa .

you know, i'm lazy to thinking and typing words that i should say, so....
see you tomorrow. hahaha. =p =p =p
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Saturday 8 January 2011

soft lens make my eyes more beautiful ♥

 i should change my nail colour. little bit scary for school. haha

personally, i used to wear lens for 2 years. but i afraid that my eyes will irritation or got some problem even can make eyes blind at the end. i stopped about 5 months. now i'm wearing again. but not so often. too many news said that lens isn't good for us. even my friends really got something in their eyes caused it, oh ! fear to hear that. but haiss , who doesn't want more beauty with it ?
so it's depend how we use , how we take care our eyes well.
you should clean you hand before take lens on your finger. after take out lens please do drop some vitamin or whatever can against dryness. do rinse your lens. hehe. say yes too beauty. we are woman. we deserve to get compliment by reason of our effort ! hahahah.

do you like my eyes ? i love it so much. hihihi =p
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new bras from young hearts ♥

 2 sets for CNY =P

 they latest design .

do you know, our inner beauty is important, so do buy their bras and sleepwears. young hearts design is super cute and ladies. i'm sure you will like it !

if you are A or B cup , want to look your boobs more bigger and confidence try their news bras design.
about $49.90 for 1 set. it's work ! hoho. please ask the staff for more details. =)
i will buy if i've extra money . =p
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actually, i've been noticed this brand quite a long time. just dont get a chance to buy that.

 the lip tint texture likes a jelly.

 did you see the color ? it's turn to pink to little bit red.
that why called MAGIC LIP TINT.

 when apply to lip , you wouldn't feel sticky.
as i known, tony moly lip tint made from natural ingredients.

it's stay all long day. no matter you eating , kissing or whatever. haha =p
not the same as other lip gloss or lipstick.
i have some experience about this. how do you feel when your lip is full of lip gloss futhermore the wind come with suddenly then couple of my hair stick on my lip. omg ! i hate this feeling.
so i will definitely recommend this , non sticky ( like lip tattoo for me ) - stay all day without worrying you lip colour is pale , especially in air-conditioner room- easy to apply - look natural - cheap ! guess how much ??

yes yes . $12.90 only !
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orientation 5 & 6 january 2011 , extremely tired ( shatec )

 first day of orientation my feeling is dig dag dug, i didn't know all of them. feel so shy.
most of my classmate is singaporean.
my class have 17 people but 5 girls only. --"
after arrived there. i'm do registration - collect goodies - submit some documents than 2 hours listen to mr.benard said about some rules and how we school.
buy uniform -> go home.

they given away the black tshrt.
should i say it's free ? i dont think so, because i've paid loads of money . --"

 our school uniform is super cute . haha. i will post it on monday. stay tune !

 olivia what are you doing ?

 singapore zoo. i don't see lots of animals there, as you can see in the picture all i look is tree tree and tree ??

we just go there for play game, called " amazing race " , but actually we are walking for nothing. lol

i just said the fact. hoho.

that is me with yellow rain coat, look so stupid. haha.
again ! we are standing and walking until exhausted .
so, 6 jan singapore zoo trip the conclusion is TIRED only . wkwk. --"
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